An Archon raised in Southern Thanalan, a secret past and job only adding to the charming personality~Amarei Sunstone | Crystal Mateus | Central

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  1. Hi! I go by Beans outside of my characters nicknames. I don't really tell people my name. I am 21+ and in the central time zone and yes, I can never remember the difference in hours..

  2. No rape, transphobia/homophobia, sexual advances, politics or disgusting kinks right off the bat. Gore, blood, drugs etc is allowed but please run it by me first.

  3. I am Genderfluid/Transmasc as well as autistic. I may not get offended easily but its not hard to piss me off especially if I don't understand social ques. Be nice but straight to the point please.

  4. I am an artist with commission slots always open. If you are interested, my prices and examples are at ( I am best to be reached by in game tells or by discord ONLY if you are genuinely planning to commission me.

  1. Send a tell if you wish to approach and talk. Im probably AFK or looking at my other monitor.

  2. Discord will not be given on request unless I deem you someone I wish to talk to outside of game. As well as friends list. I don't just add any one.

  3. Keep IC and OOC separate. They may not be allowed to mix but when its my character that I have to still write for, think for and read what happens, its still easy for me to get emotional. I am sensitive to any kinds of yelling even if yes, its just RP.


  NAME.   Au'marei Tenebry Sunstone
  ALIASES / NICKNAMES.   Rei / Amarei
  DOB | AGE.   July 5th / ?????
  GUARDING DEITY.   Thaliak/Izanami
  HEIGHT | WEIGHT.   6'3 / 7' || / 130 / 190lbs
  GENDER | SEXUALITY.   Genderfluid (She/Him/They) Bi/Poly
  JOB | OCCUPATION.   DRK, ARC, NIN | Archon / Black Market Dealer / Sky Pirate
  PLACE OF ORIGIN | HOME | AFFILIATION.   Corvos?| Personal home and office in The Goblet | Sharlayan Forum
Father- A'rin Sunstone (Alive)
Mother- ???(Deceased)
Brother- Au'majiki Tia (Alive)
Son-Ajax Skau (Alive)
Daughter- U'tera Strider (Alive)
Mate/Partner- Kaito Shinoda
  EYE COLOR | HAIR COLOR | SKIN TONE.   Red and blue w/ black sclera | dark red w/ black streaks. | Rich tan.
  NOTABLE FEATURES.   /Covered/ in freckles and small scars. Lichtenburg/blast scar on right shoulder/left hip. Split scar in upper lip and left eyebrow. Tan tribal tattoos dedicated to Miqo'te tribe. Archon Marks on both thighs. Nicely built in muscle and strength from work and constant training. Choppy shoulder length hair, usually messy.
Male Drawn reference by me
Female Drawn reference by me
-Often carries an
(DRK) Odenta Kai
(NIN) Crystarium Cleavers
(ARC) Bluespirit Bow/ Deepshadow Crossbow
(MCH) Deepshadow Pistol

  PERSONALITY.   Often blunt and rude, his smile is always genuine and warm to those deserving. Headstrong and determined.. who am I kidding, he's a stubborn ass who has a bitchy edge for being playful and annoying.  BACKGROUND.   Though place of birth is unknown to Rei, home will always be the U tribe in the Forgotten Springs even after moving to Sharlayan at the age of 10 with his twin brother and father. The pair have been inseparable since birth and will continue to do so even in their day jobs. One is never far from the other.Even after 20 years of being scholars from the small studious island, his interests have fallen into the dark and mysterious as well as highly deadly and addicting. Using his Archon contacts for personal gain, who's to say how he can or can not make a profit?~A main feature many notice right away is the very thick and long spotted Miqo'te tail yet.. Slightly fallen back Viera ears? Considered what people jokingly call a 'cabbit', he happily accepts either terminology for being a halfbreed even if brother takes after more Seeker than Rava. Nothing is known about their mother's family other than a followed lead in Thavnair.. He's getting closer to the truth of their 'family' across the ocean and through ancient history.Though Rei has had relationships in the past, two that resulted in having their children, Rei has a hard time connecting after losing others. Speaking of past lovers is difficult and will often get Rei to close in on themselves and go quiet.Often found wandering a few select cities, a personal airship piloted by a few close friends.
-Ishgard visiting other Dark Knights to check on their trainings and accomplishments.
-The three main city states to attend business meetings with clients.
-Kugane to visit Father and Mate.
-Thavnair to visit twin brother and daughter.


  1. Archon: Having studied in Sharlayan, it is possible to have spotted him on the island, out working in the field or have spied his Marks and are curious!

  2. Dealer: Working as a gleaner for the very artifacts he trades and ships off, there is also a.. darker side of what he markets off. Perhaps you notice the oddly earthy and floral scent often swirling around him. Quite addicting~

  3. Viera? No.. Miqo'te or Au'Ra??: Oddly enough, Rei seems to have the ability to shapeshift his body to that of the opposite gender and even into an Au'Ra. It takes large amounts of aether and energy so its rare to change quite frequently. Tends to stick in the 'cabbit' form.

  4. Allagan Make: To the surprise of others, Rei seems to know quite a lot about Allagan technology. Eyes are a strange ring of cybernetic lines around the iris yet he will never speak of why they look like that until he decides you are deserving of such information. A node tends to follow his every step in the world, often talking back and forth as if arguing though it helps him with research and work alike as a sort of.. memory bank. Perhaps you are curious about the small node and wish to speak about what Rei knows~

  1. Illusioned Appearance: A large brimmed hat is often worn, a recent creation of his. With beautiful designs embossed into the black fabric, there are bright red stones pressed secure into the gold. Glowing almost ominously with the pulse of a heart beat-his if you listen hard enough- red liquid swirls within the gems. To those who notice the properties of the stones mixed into the stars and moons dangling from the brim, they appear to hold a strong enchantment that covers every inch of skin. What could he be hiding beneath that hat? Though if caught on an off day, said hat may include a veil over his left eye.

  2. Garlean?: Though not biologically from the frigid region, there are rumors he is the child of a valued soldier that worked as an engineer along side the great Cid Garlond. Why there are even more rumors that the soldier has been seen still around the Garlond Ironworks carrying machinery and tools. Just what connection would he have to that engineer that his visage would be seen wandering and working in the snowy city? Certainly not a loyalty to a never known home.. right?